Svaor as the basis of the vadashi logo

What does the vadashi logo mean and what is its meaning?
Let’s try to figure it out.
As the basis of my logo is taken svastichny Slavic symbol – Svaor.
Svaor symbolizes the endless, constant celestial movement, called – Svarga and the eternal cycle of life forces of the universe.
Svaor itself finds its happy owner, itself is given in his hands and independently changes the space and the environment around those who need it.
This is how Svaor found me.
My logo is a weave of four willow branches. Willow branches have been at the core of my creative journey, willow is my breadwinner, I used to collect willow vines and weave interior vases out of them. It was an interesting stage in my creative development, I fell in love with the tree. I began to adore the scents of trees, I inhaled greedily the smells of freshly split wood, I adored just touching the wood and feeling its warmth.
The four willow vines on my logo are I my wife and my two daughters. It’s a symbol of my family.
We can be happy not only by achieving the desired goal, we are quite capable of being happy already in the very creative process – that’s what it means to follow Svaor.
The most important symbol of the Russians, Svaor, is order and multiplication!
And also from willow vines were made hoops, which were the basis for authentic dream catchers
Each naturally dead tree Svaor gives the right to a second life in my statuettes
old oak has an incredibly stiff wood despite the appearance of corkiness
My helpers are tools that fit in my backpack, an axe, a folding saw, and two knives
a red-hot branding is applied to each future figurine
And I always collect acorns and bury them in the ground where there is room and plenty of chance for a new oak to grow

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